Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

U.S. Stalling In Iraq

The United States is dragging its feet in Iraq. We are not allowing Iraqis the ability to be able to run their own government. If you question this fact then I have a question for you to ask yourself.

Why after three years is the Iraqi Army incapable of functioning on its own?

The military was functioning before we invaded and now after three years we are still babysitting them on every mission. They might not have been that good but they used to be able to prevent Civil War. Does it really take three years to train a soldier? Do American soldiers spend three years training before they take their first solo mission? I think not. That would leave only one year for active duty if you enlisted for four years. The U.S. military is training the Iraqi Army as slow as possible. This way we remain in control of their country and still can influence the formation of their government. This whole war is being dragged out for as long as possible just so that we can muddle in Iraq politics.

The news about IED's in Iraq is bogus as well. The U.S. military could very easily install wireless cameras to watch the areas that are most dangerous. We could monitor these cameras and know exactly where they are being placed and we could have quick response teams to disable the devices and catch the people responsible. We have spent almost $250 billion dollars in Iraq. Don't tell me that we can't do this. Don't tell me the U.S. government doesn't know they could do this.


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