Is Iraq In Civil War
How do we know when Iraq is officially in a Civil War? Is it when Iraq says so? Maybe it is when the news says so. One things for sure, don't wait for the Bush Administration to say so. Civil War is something they will never admit. Honestly, I would question weather the Iraqi government would admit it either. They are afraid that if it is officially declared a Civil War we will leave and they will have to run their country on their own. The Iraq government knows that they are not ready to run their own country.
The Bush administration still thinks that we are winning the war in Iraq. They also think Americans can still be fooled into thinking that Iraq had something to do with Bin Laden or the War on Terror. One report estimates that we will have spent over $1 trillion dollars in Iraq before this whole thing is said and done. I think we could have bought Iraq from Saddam for less than that amount. We could pay every Iraqi citizen for the next ten years for less that $1 trillion dollars.
The Bush administration needs to empty the country and then rebuild. Send all citizens to Iran with two years pay. Then the only people left in Iraq would be U.S. and Iraqi soldiers. Then if you come across people, you know they are the enemy. The Americans and Iraqi soldiers can rebuild Iraq and then everyone can come home. As hard as this sounds, it would be cheaper than continuing what we are doing now.
The Bush administration still thinks that we are winning the war in Iraq. They also think Americans can still be fooled into thinking that Iraq had something to do with Bin Laden or the War on Terror. One report estimates that we will have spent over $1 trillion dollars in Iraq before this whole thing is said and done. I think we could have bought Iraq from Saddam for less than that amount. We could pay every Iraqi citizen for the next ten years for less that $1 trillion dollars.
The Bush administration needs to empty the country and then rebuild. Send all citizens to Iran with two years pay. Then the only people left in Iraq would be U.S. and Iraqi soldiers. Then if you come across people, you know they are the enemy. The Americans and Iraqi soldiers can rebuild Iraq and then everyone can come home. As hard as this sounds, it would be cheaper than continuing what we are doing now.
At 1:00 PM,
Agent Banana said…
Iraq is in civil war when the White House says it isn't. Remember, there wasn't an insurgency two years ago. Double-plus good.
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