Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

George W. Bush in Bed With UAE

More and more reports are coming out that link George W. Bush's family and administration to the United Arab Emirates.

Sometime before 1995 UAE contributed over one million dollars to the Bush Library Fondation. this money was used to help build the George Bush Presidential Library in Texas. This goes to far back to have any real connection to the ports deal but does show you how close they were. Nopone gives you a million dollars if you are not close.

Several weeks before the U.S. was asked to apprve the sale of the ports to Dubai Ports World UAE gave the Bush Administration one hundred million dollars to aid in the Hurricane Katrina recovery. This amounts to about four times as much as every other country on the planet combined has contributed to help with the Katrina recovery. The Bush administration insists that there is no connection between the two, but it is possible that this could have been meant to ease public unrest concerning the deal. The Bush administration may not be smart enough to make the connection, but I would think that the UAE knew exactly what they were doing. The Bush administration is focusing on the huge donation to show how nice these Arabs are. Is Bush playing right into their hands just like they want him to?

I can't help but wonder if this $100 million is just a giant "Trojan Hourse."


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