Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Why Abolish FEMA?

A bipartisan Senate Panel is recommending that FEMA be abolished and a new agency be formed to take its place. Will this fix the problems or just give them a new name? The biggest problems at FEMA are unqualified leaders appointed by the President and a lack of adequate funding. Do you really have to start over from scratch to fix these problems?

The Katrina disaster was primarily caused by the government ignoring study after study that clearly stated that the levees would fail. If the government had acted on this before Katrina, she would have just blown in like many other hurricanes. Damage would have been done and they would have rebuilt. The government chose to ignoring the levees for decades because it did not want to pay to reinforce them. Now they are paying 10 times as much and then they still have to fix the levees? This has nothing to do with FEMA at all. This is just how our government chooses to stick its head in the sand.

The main problems at FEMA are involving their budget and leadership, both of which are controlled by the current administration and Congress. Maybe we should abolish the President and Congress. Remember President Bush appointed Brownie. He was never qualified for the job and the failure was appointing him to a position he could not handle.


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