Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

More Republican Homeland Security Failures Announced

The Bush administration yesterday announced that port workers will have to have background checks to ensure that they are not affiliated with terrorists. This announcement comes almost four and a half years after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

It is clear that the Bush administration is failing to protect our country. Did they just realize that there is a security vulnerability at our ports? It appears that Bush does not feel that protecting our ports is a matter of any urgency. He tried several months ago to hand over our ports to an Arab country. If Americans hadn't protested, we would be managed by a foreign country and we still do not know if the workers at the ports are terrorists or not.

I fear for this country under the current leadership. What also troubles me is that this is public knowledge and if I know it then Bin Laden and every other terrorist out there knows it. It is time for Bush to wake up and do his job or resign and let someone capable of leading our country take over.


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