Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Killer Air

New York ranks worst in the nation when it comes to air cleanliness. Due to toxic pollution in the air, New York residents are twice as likely to get cancer when compared to the average American.

California came in 2nd place. Their air is not that much cleaner that the air in NY. This is partly due to the fact that California has the largest population in our country.

Maybe this is why the Republican party does not focus on the environment. If they eliminated California and New York, there would never be another Democrat as president. The stupid antiquated electorate college would so far in their favor it would be almost impossible for Democrats to overcome.

This article was meant to be funny, but it does cover two important issues. Pollution being the most important by far. In this day and age we are too intelligent to not be better protecting ourselves. We can only blame ourselves for the different diseases we bring upon ourselves by our own inventions.

The second is the stupid electoral college. This system is so outdated it isn't even funny. Why, when we have the ability to count every single ballot in America, do we still have to have groups of people casting ballots for us? I could see 200 or even 100 years ago, using this old system. Today we owe it to ourselves to use a more accurate system that is more accurate and accountable.


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