Conservative Democrat

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Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Are we giving up on Catching Bin Laden?

Last week a report came out that the widow of al-Zarqawi claimed that Al-Qaeda made a deal with the Unites States to ease pursuit of Bin Laden in exchange for giving up al-Zarqawi. Umm Mohammad claimed her husband was "the victim of a secret pact between Iraqi resistance fighters, the leaders of Al-Qaeda and the American secret services to eliminate him. She then went on to say that, "in return, the Americans agreed to slow down their search for bin Laden. Al-Qaeda is currently trying to protect its charismatic chief."

The first time that I heard this, I just grinned. It was a fairly far fetched idea that she has. Today I started to wonder if there is something to her story. After all we did have Bin Laden cornered in the mountains of Tora Bora and we turned fighting over to the afghans and Bin Laden got away. Was this poor planning or our unwillingness to capture Bin Laden and having to deal with the reactions of the Muslim world?

At a press conference in 2002 Bush admitted that he was not that focused on Bin Laden. At the conference bush said, "You know, I just don't spend that much time on him. I truly am not that concerned about him." Could it be true? Are we going to let Bin Laden walk away from all the misery he has caused our country?

Could President Bush have made a deal wit Al Queda? Is he so desperate to raise his political popularity and to boost war ratings that he sold out America just to get some positive news in Iraq? If this is true it would explain why the U.S. military in Iraq exaggerated the importance that al Zarqawi was to the war effort. Did they build up this man only to take a fall and so that news channels would have some positive news coming out of Iraq?

In the news today, it was announced that the CIA unit that has hunted Bin Laden for the last 10 years has been shut down. Does this make it official? Has Bin Laden gotten away with murder? Are Americans just going to stand by and let this happen?


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