Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Three Soldiers Kidnapped In Iraq

This is a fairly recent event and I am sure that most everyone has read about it. I am wondering why we do not have GPS tracking on our soldiers. We then would be able to track their movement and location in the event they are kidnapped or otherwise out of place in the war theater. WIth all the current technology, why are we not doing this?

We could use embedded chips under the skin or something on or in their uniform. Granted if it was in their uniform it would only be useful until the enemy removes the soldiers clothing, but wouldn't that be better than nothing? If we can put a chip in our pet dog, couldn't we do something to help our soldiers? I know that we would probably need stronger reception and tracking abilities, but aren't our soldiers worth it? Could this just be the same as the fact that we send our troops into war without proper armor?

I can't help but feel that we say "support our troops" but we need to do more than put a magnet on our car to show support. To me this is the same as the medical treatment that our wounded soldiers receive after they get home. You have to fight a war then return home to fight for health care, or you end up in Walter Reed and we all know about that by now.

For as much as we say we support our troops, we sure do give them the short end of the stick. I personally do not agree with Bush's Iraq planning, but I still feel we should take better care of our troops. We should be marching on the streets to protest the terrible way we treat our soldiers, not buying magnets made in China to put on our cars.


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