Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Iraq Food-For -Oil program

It has been reported that several people violated the food-for-oil program.

Did you know that The United States of America was one of them?

We allowed Saddam Hussein to illegally make billions of dollars worth of oil sales under this program. Basically, we allowed Hussein to put about $7 billion in his pocket.

Why is it then that we are investigating the possibility that someone in Brittian got several hundred thousand dollars from the Oil-for-Food program?

The U.S. involvement in this issue was known and allowed by multiple presidents and members of Congress. See it Here!

Now that you and I both know the truth, does it look a little like the United States is just pointing fingers at everybody else. Realistically, Is there a big difference between $7,000,000,000 and $7,000,446,000. Oh I almost forgot, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan's son got a car out of a deal that may have been less that ideal.

What real difference does this make when compared to our own actions. All we are doing is looking to dig up a little dirt that really doesn't affect the greater picture. Wouldn't the Gov't. better spend it's time figuring out a way to get us out of Iraq, rebuilding New Orleans or fixing Social Security. If they want a real issue to look at, I'll give them one. Why did we allow Hussein to get 7 billiion dollars if we were so afraid that he was going to attack America?

We have too many politicians in this country that are totally clueless when it comes to making our country better.


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