Conservative Democrat

Bridging the gap between Republicans and Democrats.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Gas and Oil Prices - We have the Answers

Do you drive a vehicle? Do you buy gas? Are you pissed off yet?

You Should Be.

We have had the cure for years but the government doesn't have the guts to do anything about it.

Have you ever wondered how the car manufacturers get the miles per gallon figures for their vehicles? Better yet, why do they drop so fast after you but the car? Here is the answer.


The car manufacturers use tires that are different than the ones you buy at the store after the original ones wear out. They have a different "rolling resistance" than the replacement tires you buy. If this sounds crazy to you then go to and search for "rolling resistance" and "gas mileage", read a little and you will learn a lot.

If we required all new tires to conform to a minimum standard on "rolling resistance" then the fighting over drilling for more oil in the Gulf of Mexico and ANWR become unnecessary. We can save more oil with tires than drilling anywhere new.

The gains from this would start appearing immediately. It is a fact that every day thousands of new tires are put on cars every day. Even if it took five years for all the tires to be changed. It would still be 100% complete many years sooner than if we started drilling in ANWR tomorrow. The tire changes would also save more oil every day than ANWR would produce at it's peak production.


Why this hasn't happened it not simply one reason. There are several factors. One is that the oil industry has a large hold on politics in this country. They will fight this because it will put no money in their pockets. They will actually lose money from declines in oil sales. Gas stations will also fight this because they will see you less because you will fill your gas tank less often. They count on you coming in for gas and then hope they can get you to buy junk food. Yes, some gas stations would actually go out of business if this was enacted. I am sorry but my money means more to me than keeping you employed at a gas station. Another reason is that politicians leave office and then get lucrative jobs within industries that they helped while in office. The politicians would actually be biting the hands that feed them.

What Can You Do about it?

Get busy writing and calling your politicians and media companies. Supply and demand takes effect. You demand it and they will have to supply it. Think to yourself, have you ever heard about this tire concept on the news or from politicians? I bet you haven't. All they tell you to do is properly inflate your tires, that's all.
The Domocrats and Republicans who are against drilling in the ANWR do not even talk about this. Why not? TOO MUCH OIL INDUSTRY MONEY!!

Here is the kicker. There is virtually no cost associated with the new tires. The technology already exists and is in production today. Why do car manufacturers spend the money on it? Because it is cheap and it works. Car manufacturers have to produce a certain MPG average across it's product line. This helps them do this without coming up with new technology. Why wait twenty something odd years for alternative fueled cars like the government want us to when we can have better today? This has not been embraced simply because the only people that will gain from it are the people paying at the pumps. Even the television networks are against it. It would cut their stories and they would have to find something else to report on.


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